End of May Update and Recent Book Haul

Hey all,

WHAT A MONTH. May has flown by and unfortunately I’ve been pretty absent for the past week or so. I’m so sorry if I haven’t replied to comments or been blog hopping. I’ve missed reading posts and seeing what you’ve all been up to.

Moving house this past week has been AN EXPERIENCE. As book bloggers I’m sure you know the daunting task of packing up ALL of your books. It’s took me DAYS and I hadn’t realised how many duplicates I owned until I was forced to pack them all!

Besides for this, I was able to free up some time today to head down to our local Salvos (Salvation Army) store to go book hunting. In Aussie (I’m not sure about other countries??) it’s one of the best places to find bargain-priced books.

Here’s my recent haul and new additions to my TBR:

Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts on them??

Lastly, we hit 400 followers this past week SO THANK YOU SO MUCH for following and supporting us!

As we’re behind on what you’ve been reading we’d love to catch up and read some of your posts. Please link some of them below. We’d love to check them out!

40 thoughts on “End of May Update and Recent Book Haul

    • Thank you! It’s definitely humbling and kind of shocking. How can so many people like to read our stuff? It keeps me inspired to continue and keep growing as a blogger. Sorry I’ve been a bit behind on the buddy read this week, moving house took SO MUCH more energy and time than I had anticipated. I’ll try to catch up. What chapter are you up to? 🙂


      • No worries at all! I think I am on chapter 14. I can wait until you catch up and we can pick up again. I definitely understand the struggle of moving! And I can believe it. You two are so talented I am shocked you don’t have more!


    • I’ve read some mixed reviews of Sky in the Deep but I’m intrigued enough to give it a try and see for myself. I’m so glad you enjoyed it – it’s encouraging! 😀 A Man Called Ove has been on my radar for a while and I’m excited to finally have a chance to give it a try!

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  1. Grats on 400! Moving seems like a very hard thing with books. I have to paint the room where all of mine are this summer and I am not looking forward to it, ha.

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  2. OMG Congratulations on getting to 400 followers AND moving. Moving to Colorado from St Louis in Oct/Nov was just settling in when the Pandemic hit… HA! To do it in the middle of this?! God Bless you!!!!!

    I’m so glad THAT part is done for you. That kitten picture is adorable!

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    • Thanks Susan!! The worst is over now (thank all that is good and kind in this world). It was AN EXPERIENCE though. Turns out moving companies don’t like to work during this… so getting everything from one place to the next took FOREVER with a small box trailer. My books are safe now though and all set up so it’s finally procrastination time (I’m ignoring the mountain of boxes I’ve shoved in the ‘activity room’ – there won’t be anything happening in there for a while!). Thanks, I thought the kitten was cute too and summed up my mood entirely ❤


      • Oh dear sweet summer child (I’ve now stole that from Sam at the bookwyrm den) they dont do their work ever let alone now. Uhaul screwed up so bad I almost lost my car going 75 miles an hour of the back of the hitch somewhere in Kansas. However, they did send me a like 2000 dollar check for the huge amount of damage they did do to my car. That was after two days in hotels so the car could get reattached and snow storm we then got caught in. Oh well then Pavel busted his ear (hence the floppy ear) but I can’t blame that on Uhaul. I will blame them for mom’s cdiff. I dont know how but I know it was them. So yes, you are completely right but it has NOTHING to do with the pandemic hahaha!!!

        I’m glad you are in and settled. And dont feel bad about the activity room. That little corner of my living room in my pics by the fireplace? It has two huge SOC quotes standing up (they are supposed to be hung up) to cover a bunch of stuff behind them I havent yet dealt with. -_-


  3. Woo hoo congrats on 400 followers ☺️☺️☺️ I’m very glad to be one of them because your posts are always so interesting to read 💚❤️💖💛
    Also, it’s me so incoming rant (I’m sorry)… carve the mark can choke. It’s the most offensive turd of a book. It’s depiction of chronic pain is not good to put it mildly. Roth tries to equate it with a gift and it’s just… just no. I understand her intentions but they were misplaced and the book stinks. I hate it with the fire of thousand blazing suns… otherwise great haul! 🙈💛💜💙

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    • Also what looks like a pretty cover on carve the mark is actually a stylised version of self harming so that’s rather distasteful too. And I believe there were issues of consent that were poorly handled if I recall correctly. My review mostly focused on the chronic pain depiction because I’m an own voices reviewer for that.

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      • I’m sorry for ranting. 💖💜This book just triggers me into a rant every time I see it mentioned 🙈

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      • Ha, your rant has just made my day 😛 I trust your judgement when it comes to illness rep and offensive books though. If anything I’m even more intrigued to give the book a try now and see what you’re referring to. Tbh I enjoyed the Divergent series and then tried to read Chosen Ones a week ago and NOPE, hated it, DNF so when I saw Carve the Mark on the bargain pile I though ‘why not?’. I was hoping Chosen Ones would be the exception to her books I didn’t like but it seems like it might be ALL OF THEM except for Divergent.

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      • I liked Divergent a lot. I mean apart from the ending because *eye roll* but it was good fun. Carve the mark however…nope!


  4. Congrats on 400. Several books in your haul are ones I want to read too. Lol. So, did you giveaway any of the duplicates you found? Do not envy you the house moving process! Still recovering from my last one almost two years ago 🙈


  5. Ready Player One – Loved!
    Eleanor Oliphant – One of my favorite books of all time!
    The Cuckoo’s Calling – Ver VERY good!
    An American Marriage – An amazing book!

    Carve the Mark is still on my TBR.

    Congratulations on 400 followers!!! 🥂✨ Here’s to many more! ❤


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